If you let God inconvenience you, you will find that interruptions from other people are often his way of telling you that the person interrupting you matters. Jesus himself was often interrupted while doing important things like teaching and sleeping. 

In Luke 5:17-26, he was interrupted while teaching and asked to heal a paralyzed man, which he did. 

In Luke 8:22-25, his disciples interrupted him while he was sleeping on a boat to warn him about a storm. Jesus awakes and calms the storm.  

In Mark 1:21-28, he was teaching and was interrupted by a man with an unclean spirit. Jesus rebuked the spirit and it came out of the man. 

In Mark 10:1-12, he was teaching the crowds and the Pharisees came to test him regarding the teaching about divorce. 

So do as Jesus did and embrace interruptions, even when you’re doing what you feel you need to do. That interruption may just be an intervention from God.  

Also watch Bobby’s related video on giving God one percent of your time.